Casa Esperanza

Ways to Give

Casa Esperanza is “New Mexico’s House of Hope”. Through our Family Care Team Program, we provide a “home away from home” for at-risk families requiring treatment for cancer, kidney disease, high-risk pregnancies and other serious medical conditions. 40% of New Mexico’s population live in rural areas with only 10% having access to needed medical care. Rural residents with major medical diagnoses are often required to travel long distances to Albuquerque treatment centers for comprehensive healthcare services. Casa Esperanza is a first-responder for these families.

Casa Esperanza provides appropriate housing and emotional support for patients and their families who reside temporarily in Albuquerque while the patient receives treatment. Casa Esperanza’s families come from all backgrounds and income levels, but they share one thing in common – each family is facing fear and emotional upheaval.


Donations to Casa Esperanza are vital to us being able to continue to provide much needed services to residents and their families while they receive medical treatment in Albuquerque.

Some of the different areas that you can donate to are:

Make a one-time or recurring donation to Casa Esperanza using the link above.

In-Kind Giving

Taking care of 28 families at a time means we always need things like paper products, cleaning supplies, and food staples.

If you find something on our wish list you are able to donate please drop it by 1005 Yale NE (north of Lomas on Yale), email us at or call us at 505-246-2700 .

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept donations of clothing & used magazines

Food Needs

  • Pasta
  • Spaghetti Sauce
  • White Rice
  • Tuna
  • Beans
  • Bisquick Mix
  • Crackers
  • Drink Mix (Tea/Lemonade)
  • Oatmeal
  • Top Ramen
  • Fruit
  • Canned Vegetables
  • Canned Meat
  • Canned Soup
  • Mac and Cheese
  • Frozen Meats
  • Coffee
  • Creamer
  • Sweetener
  • Stir Sticks

Cooking & Serving Needs

  • Microwavable Paper Plates
  • Microwavable Paper Bowls
  • Plastic Forks and Spoons
  • Napkins
  • Foil Pans for Dinners
  • Zip Lock Bags (all sizes)
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Plastic Wrap
  • Food Storage Containers
  • Plastic Cups
  • Paper Towels
  • Trivets
  • Pot Holders
  • Hand Towels

Children's Needs

  • Children’s Books
  • Toys for all ages
  • Bean Bags or Cushions
  • Children’s Table and Chair Set
  • Books
  • Crosswords/Soduku
  • Puzzles
  • Decks of Cards

Legacy gifts are a great way to ensure that Casa Esperanza will continue to fulfill its mission long into the future.

There are a number of ways to give. One or more of the following ways may work for you!

House of Hope Society
The House of Hope Society honors donors who have made planned gifts to the home. Whether it is a life insurance policy, bequest, permanent endowment, IRA, or charitable gift annuity, House of Hope Society members have created a legacy that will benefit Casa Esperanza for generations.

Estate Plan Gifts
You may make a bequest or gift through your estate by including a provision in your will or living trust, or by naming Casa Esperanza as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. The amount left to Casa Esperanza can be expressed as a dollar amount or as a percentage of the assets to be given.

Life Income Gifts
A life income gift allows you to give assets to Casa Esperanza while providing yourself or others with income for a period of time before Casa Esperanza is permitted to use your gift. You may make a life income gift by transferring securities, cash, or other property to Casa Esperanza or a trustee. Casa Esperanza or trustee then manages the investment of the assets and pays an income to you, your designated beneficiaries, or both. Income payments continue for the beneficiaries’ lives or, in some cases, for a term of up to 20 years.

Charitable Gift Annuities
In exchange for an outright gift, Casa Esperanza agrees by contract to pay a fixed amount each year to you and/or another beneficiary for life.

Charitable Remainder Unitrusts
You establish a trust from which you and/or other beneficiaries receive variable annual payments for life and/or a term of years. At the end of the term, the remainder of the trust assets go to Casa Esperanza for the purposes you designate.

Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts
You establish a trust from which you and/or other beneficiaries receive annual payments of a fixed dollar amount for life and/or a term of years, after which the remainder of the trust assets pass to Casa Esperanza for the purposes you designate.

Pooled Income Funds
Your gift goes into an investment pool that functions like a mutual fund. Investment returns are paid to you and/or other beneficiaries for life, after which your gift is withdrawn and used to support your designated purpose at Casa Esperanza.

Charitable Lead Trusts
A charitable lead trust makes an annual payment to Casa Esperanza for a period of years, and at the end of the term, the remaining assets go to your children or other beneficiary.

Donor Advised Funds
A donor advised fund allows you to make a tax-deductible gift to Casa Esperanza to establish a fund today, and later advise the school on how you would like the gift used. At least half of the gift must be designated to Casa Esperanza, and the rest may support other charities.

Your Life, Your Legacy
Planned giving helps you meet your personal, financial and estate planning goals by making a lifetime charitable gift or bequest. Find out what types of assets – such as cash, securities or property – make the best gifts, and learn about how each can grant you benefits.

Send a Check to:

Casa Esperanza
1005 Yale NE
Albuquerque, NM 87106

Donate Your Vehicle

Through Casa Esperanza’s you can get rid of that old car and give back to the community at the same time! Click here for more information. Questions? Click here for our FAQs

Important Info: For more information about our Give Hope a Ride auto donation program, please contact Leslie Sullivan at or by calling 505-246-2722.

For all other donation information please contact Kenney Elkomous at or by calling 505-246-2706 behalf of all of the families we serve, thank you for your thoughtfulness and support!

Note: No part of your donation will be used for lobbying, for political contributions, or to support political campaign activities. Casa Esperanza does not telemarket, participate in door-to-door solicitation or campaign via chain letters. Any information you provide to Casa Esperanza, as a donor, volunteer or resident, will not be shared with any other company or organization without your written permission. Casa Esperanza does not sell or make available its mailing list.