Used Car Auction in New Mexico

Give Hope a Ride is the best ALL CHARITY auction in New Mexico! Every other month, you have the opportunity to find the perfect first vehicle for a new driver, or project car for your weekend hobby…all while helping the families of Casa Esperanza. Sign up today for the next auction!

The Give Hope a Ride auctions, benefitting the families of Casa Esperanza, every other month, with in-person or  online vehicle preview and online-only bidding. Please see the schedule below for upcoming auction dates.

Preview days- September 18th and 19th from 9:00am-4:00

Auction starts online September 20th at 9:00am

Payment date is September 23rd from 10:00am-2:00pm


Preview days- November 13th and 14th from 9:00am-4:00

Auction starts online November 15th at 9:00am

Payment date is November 18th from 10:00am-2:00pm

Dates are subject to change

Please click this link to see pictures of the vehicles available in the next auction.


Registration is free and open to anyone over the age of 18, with a valid ID and in good standing with our organization. Dealers are welcome! Registration takes place the week prior to the auction and can be done via online, by phone, or in-person.

If you are in the market for, our platform is your best choice! The largest shopping mall!

  1. Register to bid and submit the completed form to begin the registration process.
  2. We must have a picture of your driver’s license on file to receive the access code for the auction.
  3. You will be the only person allowed to pay for and take possession of the vehicles that you win.

FIRST TIME BIDDERS:  We will contact you by phone after you submit your registration to review the Buyer’s Agreement and Rules (Contrato del Comprador y Reglas).


To register, please click the button below.  Alternatively you may register in person at 8501 Zuni SE Albuquerque, NM 87108, or by phone at (505) 266-4427.

Preview Days:

Everyone will have an opportunity to preview the auction vehicles.

  1. Registration is not required to preview the vehicles; however, we strongly encourage it
  2. The number of people on the lot is controlled by management and you may have to wait in line for a short time


All bidding is done online or using the Auctria app available in the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. Bids are accepted over three consecutive days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Bidding opens on Friday at 9:00 a.m. on auction weekend and concludes the following Sunday at 7:00 p.m. MST.

  1. Each vehicle has a starting bid and a set bidding increments.
  2. You may bid on as many vehicles as you are interested in, however you will have to pay for all of the vehicles you win.
  3. You will receive notifications when you have been outbid by another person, and when you win the lot you are bidding on.
  4. You will have the option to pay for your vehicle with a credit card on the auction site after the auction closes.
  5. Staff will be available to answer questions during normal business hours.

Post Auction:

Payment is simple and fast. Whether through the Auctria website or in-person, Give Hope a Ride is dedicated to ensuring a safe and secure process for all of our patrons. Before you leave with your new (or new to you) vehicle, our staff will ensure you have all the necessary paperwork to smoothly transfer the title and obtain registration. As stated in this article, you can browse your selection of available deals on smartphones and top brands and explore the service plans that best suit your needs.

The auction will close at 8:00 pm on Sunday. Payment, paperwork and vehicle pick up will begin Monday at 10:00 am.

  1. Payment can be made in person only by the registered bidder with cash or credit card (except American Express). The staff will have an invoice with your total owed prepared, along with all of the vehicles you won in the auction.
  2. You have until Monday after the auction, at 4:00 pm to pay for your vehicles. If payment is not received by this date, the bidder will be banned from future auctions until the renege fee is paid.
  3. You have until Monday after the auction, at 4:00 pm to remove your vehicles. If and extra DAY is needed to pick up the vehicle, arrangements must be made with GHAR Coordinator.  Failure to pick up your vehicle by this date will result in a daily storage fee.
  4. Please allow approximately 10 minutes per vehicle to complete the paperwork.
  5. All transactions will take place at 8501 Zuni SE, Albuquerque 87108

On behalf of the Casa Esperanza Families, Staff and Volunteers, we wish you a happy bidding experience!

“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”

– Winston Churchill

May the Best Bid Win!

We are very excited to be working with you all again!

Good luck in your bidding and we look forward to seeing you in our next auction!

Sincerely, Casa Esperanza Staff

Give Hope a Ride | 505-266-4427